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Exhibitions and Fairs in Ukraine
30 December 2024 11:00

Exhibition and fair activity of Ukraine is aimed at creating favourable conditions for increasing exports of competitive products and services from Ukraine, attracting investment and credit, scientific, technical and technological modernization of domestic production, strengthening international ties, development of business tourism in the regions, intensification of innovation process and production cooperation.

All exhibitions and fairs in Ukraine are divided into international, national and industrial exhibitions. When foreign companies or organizations account for at least 10% of the total number of participants, such exhibitions and fairs are considered international.

A list of all exhibitions currently being held in Ukraine is available at various aggregators such as Exposale.net, Tradefairdates.com, etc.

In addition, the event calendars are regularly updated by exhibition centres and exhibition operators of Ukraine, the largest and most famous of which are the International Exhibition Centre,  “ACCO International”, etc. All of them are members of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI).

The largest exhibition events in Ukraine are the agricultural exhibition “AGRO”, the building exhibition event “InterBuildExpo”, the international exhibition of furniture and accessories “Kyiv International Furniture Forum – KIFF”, the food and drinks exhibition “WorldFood Ukraine”, etc. They annually gather thousands of brands and tens of thousands of visitors.

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